Tuesday 12 July 2011

The Token Fat Girl

Being obese has been part of my life since I was 10 years old. I had B cups towards the end of the 4th grade and fully developed by the 5th grade. The reason why I call myself the token fat girl is because I represent every cliche that exists for a fat person. I'm funny, articulate, well read , well informed and I am well liked by most. When you've been invisble for most of your developing years you tend to try and have other qualities that will make you less mediocre and more noticable. I think i'm definitely a better person because I am fat. I hate the word fat and I keep saying it because it my take the sting outta the word. 16 years on it stings like a B!%*#!
Being fat bothered me however never enough to seriosly do anything about it.
http://www.myfitnesspal.com/Recently I developed medical complications, some due to the obesity and some for completely different reasons. I'm gonna be 30 next year and I am super excited with that prospect. I'll talk about those plans in a different post soon. Anyway I have 11 months and I have decided its enough I need to loose this weight. literally get this weight off my shoulders. Im going to use this blog to chronical my journey to health. I will put up my vitals a little later so that I can keep weighing in with you'll.

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